Wednesday, March 11, 2009

terrorism of the mighty and the weak

That of the mighty :

Terrorism is when you assassinate or overthrow a leader of another country because he does not serve the interests of your own country.

Terrorism is when you commit unprovoked aggression against another country and in the process inflict death and suffering on the citizens of that country.

Terrorism is when you barge into another country, kill their citizens or uproot them from their homes and set up your own state on their soil.

Terrorism is when you force another country to sell its products cheaply to you, thereby keeping that country in poverty.

That of the weak :

Terrorism is when you sneak into another country and blow up its trains and buses or hijack its planes and ram them into tall buildings, killing and maiming many of its citizens.

Terrorism is when you use bombs and bullets indiscriminately to try to overthrow your leaders or to expel their foreign backers.

The question we must ask is:

Who first began to use terrorism?

And who is doing a tit for tat?

The mighty or the weak?

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