Monday, December 28, 2009

Obama, a fake and a fraud.

The more I come across anything about Obama, the more I hate the bastard. A fine speech-maker but boy what a fake, what a fraud. I saw through him the moment he took office, as noted in this blog elsewhere. Does anyone now think that this skeleton of a man would be re-elected? Well, judging by the education level of the American people, he might very well be, in the same way Bush was.

America, unlike Europe, is obsessed with religion. Any country that is religious is immature and lacking in knowledge. I am referring here to the general population and not to the few scientists and thinkers who have made America strong and powerful economically and militarily.

aziz anom

Letter to aljazeera's empire program

Mr. Marwan,
In your recent edition of EMPIRE I was hoping that somebody on your panel would raise the question whether Israel's very existence on Palestinian soil was legitimate or not, but unfortunately nobody did, including you Mr. Marwan. There is much talk everywhere, including on Aljazeera, about two state solution, etc. This is like saying that the robber who has occupied part of your house has a right to remain there. I say that a criminal act cannot and must not be rewarded; that the criminal must be punished. The Zionists therefore must dismantle their state and go back to the countries they came from. That is the only solution that is just.  
I don't know what you believe about Israel's so-called victories on the battlefield. Those victories were the result of active western military support. My accidental research has revealed just that. Please check out my site at:
Best wishes,

aziz anom

Saturday, December 26, 2009

fraudulent women

One has to be very careful when trying to make a woman who appears to be attractive or beautiful. She might not be that at all under the make-up she invariably puts on. In fact she might be positively ugly. This is plain and simple fraud on their part. Don't these lasses realize that the man will sooner or later find out what they really look like and then it will be one hell of a shock for him, very likely making him take to his heels, leaving them back on square one.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tiger Woods gets horny

The story of Tiget Woods having multiple affairs should teach us all that no matter how beautiful ones wife may be there comes a time in a man's life when he craves sex with other females. One simply gets bored doing it with the same woman. There has to be variety in our lives, meaning that the institution of marriage is unnatural. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, knew that. The problem with him was that he limited to four the number of women each of his male followers could have whereas he himself slept with as many as he wanted. What a selfish man. Also he ignored the needs of his female followers by denying them the right also to screw with four men.

aziz anom

Warmonger Obama wins Nobel peace prize

Who are these idiots sitting in Oslo with peace prizes to hand out. They could have seen through this hypocrite, Obama, in the early days of his presidency, if not during the presidential campaign. Did they really believe that he was a peace maker?
This bastard has broken nearly all his promises and simply continued with the horrendous policies of that criminal Bush. He does not deserve this Nobel peace prize. What he deserves is a whack on his head and for good measure a doze of water-boarding until he admits that he is only interested in his own survival. But he won't survive for long. Four years in the Oval office is all he will get, for no one is more hated than a hypocrite. 

aziz anom