Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blair in Malaysia

Why didn't Muslim Malaysia arrest Blair while he was there? This bastard should have been charged with war crimes in Iraq. Do Muslims stand a chance of getting some kind of justice in this world when their fellow-Muslims let them down like this?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Who is behind the bombings in Iraq?

Before the American invasion of Iraq the people of that country did not attach any importance to being a Sunni or a Shia. Even now I don't think they care what sect their fellow Iraqis belong to. The popular perception is that it is the outsiders who are creating the division between the two people and the finger is usually pointed at Al-Quida. But why should Osama bin Laden be so interested in creating such a mess in a Muslim country when his avowed enemies have always been America and Israel and the Arab leaders he considers traitors, leaders such as Mubarak and the Abdullas. What could he possibly gain by killing ordinary citizens of Iraq? The answer in my view is that it is not he who is behind the suicide bombings but some other outside force -- and that force is Israel!

The Zionists have been known to employ every dirty trick in the book to keep a Muslim country from developing and becoming strong enough to help the Palestinian people regain their lost land. It serves their interest to keep Iraq in chaos and what better way to do that than to sow dissension between the Shias and the Sunnis. It was after all the Zionists who prodded America to invade Iraq in the first place and is now prodding them to do the same to Iran.

Check out the following website:

Friday, April 2, 2010

Catholic criminal priests

After the sex abuse scandal surrounding the Vatican, does anyone now really believe that religious people around the world are worthy of respect? All the scums in the churches, temples and mosques should be dragged out and exposed for what they are. The world would then be a much safer and a healthier place.