Sunday, December 26, 2010

Israeli claims that it won its wars on its own is a lie.

1967 6-day war : A shopkeeper friend of mine was sitting, as he often did, outside his shop in Singapore when a western tourist passed by and fell into conversation with him. The tourist turned out to be an American, a former pilot in the US air force, now retired and living in the Philippines. He revealed that during the 6-day war, most of the Israeli planes and tanks were manned by the Americans, he being one of the pilots, as the Jewish forces invaded Sinai, the Golan Heights and the West Bank.

During this war a US warship called Liberty was bombed by Israel. This deadly attack has never been fully investigated by the US. One can only surmise that Washington simply had to keep a lid on the incident because an investigation would have exposed America's participation in that war, that it was probably a case of friendly fire from planes flown by American pilots.

1973 Yom Kippur war: This war was apparently well planned by the Egyptians and the Syrians. According to a former officer in the Egyptian army whom I met in Scandinavia while he was on some course of study there, the plan to go to war was kept from the Russians who had supplied most of the modern weapons to the Egyptians, including the SAMS (the surface to air missiles). This officer, along with his colleagues, was ordered by Cairo to move the Russian advisers away from the Suez Canal where the SAMS had been installed. Then, according to the officer, the order to launch an attack came from Cairo not by telephone or radio but by a messenger travelling by road from Cairo to the Canal. The order was to first hold their anti-aircraft fire until the Egyptian air force had completed its mission to bomb enemy positions in Sinai and had returned to their bases. After that the SAMS were to shoot down all planes in the sky as the ground forces crossed the canal and took up positions on that side with their anti-tank weapons. Apparently this was a huge success, the Egyptians destroying 40 Israeli planes in the first day of the war as reported by well informed sources at the time. Subsequently, according to a former CIA operative now retired and also living in the Philippines (on the island of Leyte) whom I met when I was in that country, the Israelis lost hundreds of their tanks and were in danger of losing most of their air force. They faced certain defeat and extinction. But the Americans had already stepped in and were bringing in new hardware and pilots and tank crews. This CIA man himself had been sent there to help the Israelis.

If you want to read the full story, go to my other website at:

aziz anom

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Huckabee, the fat hypocrite.

I am fascinated by films such as "Elmer Gentry" with Burt Lancaster which was in theaters many years ago. In it a scoundrel of a man teams up with a female preacher to spread Christianity. There are loads of such characters in real life. One such is the former baptist pastor Mike  Huckabee, now showing his true colors every week on the Fox channel. This scum of a man wants to execute Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, and has previously asked why the Zionists should not be allowed to keep on building settlements on the West Bank --  'on their own land', as he put it.
One can put up with hypocrites but a hypocrite who wears the cloak of religion, that's a bit too much.  

aziz anom

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Should the Zionists vacate the whole of Palestine?

Some of the most ardent supporters of the Palestinian people (George Galloway, The Young Turks, etc.) are, to my dismay, reluctant to go the whole hog and say that the Zionist occupiers of Palestine should go back to the countries they came from. They only want the Arabs to set up their state on the West Bank within the 1967 borders. In other words, according to them, if most of the rooms in your house have been occupied by criminals you should not demand that the criminals get the hell out of the house but settle for the rooms left to you. Would any human being be able to do that? Of course not! Get real, people.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Does Iran already have the bomb?

Iran is reported to have acquired very long range missiles from North Korea. Is it then not likely that it has also bought a few nuclear devices from that country? Buying them is much cheaper than going about making one yourself. Can we therefore assume that what Iran is saying is true, that it is only engaged in producing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes?

Chavez, the true patriot.

Chavez, the President of Venezuela, has invited his flood-stricken countrymen to move into the presidential palace during the emergency while he himself will move into a tent donated by Gadafi of Libya. Can you imagine another head of state doing this? This man has indeed a heart of gold!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sex, alcohol, drugs and the Saudi royal family.

The following is from an article in Britain's Guardian newspaper, describing one of Wikileaks' cables:

"US diplomats describe a world of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll behind the official pieties of Saudi Arabian royalty.

Jeddah consulate officials described an underground Halloween party, thrown last year by a member of the royal family, which broke all the country's Islamic taboos. Liquor and prostitutes were present in abundance, according to leaked dispatches, behind the heavily-guarded villa gates.

The party was thrown by a wealthy prince from the large Al-Thunayan family. The diplomats said his identity should be kept secret. A US energy drinks company also put up some of the finance.

"Alcohol, though strictly prohibited by Saudi law and custom, was plentiful at the party's well-stocked bar. The hired Filipino bartenders served a cocktail punch using sadiqi, a locally-made moonshine," the cable said. "It was also learned through word-of-mouth that a number of the guests were in fact 'working girls', not uncommon for such parties."

The dispatch from the US partygoers, signed off by the consul in Jeddah, Martin Quinn, added: "Though not witnessed directly at this event, cocaine and hashish use is common in these social circles."

The underground party scene is "thriving and throbbing" in Saudi Arabia thanks to the protection of Saudi royalty, the dispatch said. But it is only available behind closed doors and for the very rich."

What a bunch of hypocritical bastards, these royals! 

I am sure they are not the only ones in the Muslim world.

aziz anom

Bravo wikileaks!

I wonder how many men would have Interpol running after them because their condoms broke and they were simply unable to discontinue with the screw, disregarding the pleas of their partners to stop? This scenario is apparently what is emerging in the Assange saga, according to some sources. But then we have to ask: Did the condoms break during sex with both the women? Surely this is highly improbable. Conclusion: The two women are lying.
I say again that the Swedish prosecutor is corrupt and he should be taught a lesson so that others are not tempted to take bribes also from the Americans or anybody else. Supporters of Assange have launched a massive cyber attack on every individual and organization that is complicit in his incarceration and who are trying to put a brake on Wikileaks.

Hats off to Wikileaks. 

aziz anom

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

George Galloway Savages SKY NEWS!

Noam Chomsky's comment on wikileak's cable on Iran.

"Perhaps the most dramatic revelation, or mention, is the bitter hatred of democracy that is revealed both by the U.S. Government – Hillary Clinton, others – and also by the diplomatic service........They pretend to each other that the Arab world regards Iran as the major threat and wants the U.S. to bomb Iran........when they know that approximately 80% of Arab opinion regards the U.S. and Israel as the major threat, 10% regard Iran as the major threat, and a majority, 57%, think the region would be better off with Iranian nuclear weapons as a kind of deterrent. What counts to them is what they claim is said by Arab dictators – brutal Arab dictators..."

Canada, another lover of Zionism.

Aljazeera recently showed on its program FAULT LINES how pro-Israel Canada has become, even outperforming the U.S. of A. This was news to me. And if it was news also to Al-Quida and the other Muslim fighters then we could expect a spate of bombings of Canadian targets. What these western lovers of Zionism don't realise is that the world has changed. Victims of injustice no longer take things lying down, like they used to. Perpetrators of crime and their supporters now have to live in perpetual fear of being blown up. Canadians beware!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Are Swedish judges on the take?

After the rape charges against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange were initially dismissed by the Swedish courts as being without legal merit we now see that that country is once again trying to arrest Assange. What has changed the minds of people who were once considered by the world as models of decency and fair play? Anyone who has lived in Scandinavia knows that a man who wants sex does not need to rape a woman. The females there are some of the freest in the world; sex to them is like eating and drinking; if they feel like it they indulge in it without reservation. And just look at Julian Assange --  Is he not young looking and handsome? Thousands of women would scream to screw with him. So the question is: Who got to his two female accusers and who got to the legal eagles? The answer is clear to anyone who has got a brain and a little understanding of world politics and the criminal role played in it by the Americans. They say every man (and woman) has his price, so we have to ask: How much money did these people demand from U.S.agents for selling their souls?

aziz anom

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Arab zionists

Wikileaks has revealed what we have known all along, that the various autocratic Arab rulers are more interested in protecting their own skins than in advancing the interests of their people or the interests of their brothers in occupied Palestine. How low can these scumbags get!? To do the bidding of America and the Zionists, to go so far as to even ask for an air strike on Iran! When will the Arab masses rise up to remove these shameless bastards from their thrones?

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving for the genocide of native Americans.

Americans are having a "Thanksgiving Day" but what really is this day where they sit with their family members in front of a grilled turkey? If they knew they would choke on the bird. This day actually marks the successful slaughter of most of the native American people. Yes, America and some other countries where the Europeans settled such as Australia came about as a result of an unspeakable crime. This day should not be for merry-making. It should be a day of atonement.

aziz anom

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mubarak, the fat crook.

It is the tragedy of Egypt that, although Mubarak was standing right next to Sadat, all the bullets flew past him and not through him. I am of course referring to the day Sadat was assassinated. This man is crooked to the core and now, after some thirty years in power, it is reported that he wants to stand yet again as a candidate for the upcoming elections in that country. Is there any doubt that this bastard would be declared the winner by his henchmen? Even though Egyptians now hate him so much!

aziz anom

The king of Sri Lanka.

King Paksha or Rajapaksha of Sri Lanka is another ruler smitten by power. He flashes huge smiles while continuing to play dirty. What was once a thriving democracy has been transformed by him into an absolute monarchy, where elections are rigged, the press brutally suppressed and the man who successfully fought the Tamil Tigers, army chief Fonseka, behind bars. The raja sits on the throne, smiling, while his relatives -- all the other Rajapakshas -- control most of the ministries and departments of state.. "Aay Bhovan" everybody, and pass that kiribath please.

aziz anom

Monday, November 15, 2010

The meaningless Haj pilgrimage.

Do Muslims ever give a second thought to all the rituals they are supposed to perform? The Haj pilgrimage to Mecca seems to me to be a total waste of time and money, especially if you are coming from a distant place. I am sure that if Allah existed he would have had the sense not to subject his followers to such a trying experience. There would have been no use for it and certainly no use for stones being flown towards the "devil". Allah would have taken care of the devil himself. Indeed He would not have allowed the miscreant to exist in the first place. Many of the pilgrims die in Mecca and many more fall sick and for what? A friend of mine went on such a trip and while he was "stoning the devil" he himself got stoned from behind by a rock falling short of its target. Peace be upon you! Or should it be piece of rock?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bush lies about waterboarding

Gangster Bush came out recently claiming that waterboarding is not torture. Here is his fellow-American, Jesse Ventura, telling the truth about waterboarding:

Monday, November 8, 2010

"Walk By Faith Not By Sight.."

Recently I received from a relative in Madurai, India, a little story about an American Indian boy being initiated into manhood by his father. The apparent moral of the story was:

"Just because you can't see God,
Doesn't mean He is not there.
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."

What, I must ask, is the purpose of having blind faith when we have been given eyes to see and a brain with which to think and reason? Blind faith can lead you astray whereas eyes and reasoning prevent you from believing in falsehoods. This is such simple logic that I find it hard to believe that some people don't see it.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Why do Americans hug so much?

The thing that annoys me when watching TV is to see Americans hugging each other so much. I abhor hugging, except a woman I like. Hugging as well as shaking hands involves the risk of catching some bug from the other. The fellow might even have a foul body odor or be a faggot, who knows. I think Americans would be well advised to adopt the custom prevailing in Buddhist and Hindu societies, namely to simply clasp your hands in front of your face and give a nod.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Was Muhammad illiterate?

Malaysians are living in the dark.

On a recent trip to Malaysia I tried to gauge Malaysian people's awareness of their own politics and was surprised to find how ignorant they were of what was happening around them. To take an example -- the on-going trial of Anwar Ibrahim for sexual misdeeds. There was not one amongst them who thought the man had been falsely charged and I was talking not to uneducated people but to a lawyer, an accountant, an estate agent, a couple of university students and others like them. If you, like me, had followed the man's first trial and are following the present one you would be inclined to dismiss the trials as a farce and pronounce Anwar Ibrahim innocent.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Geert Wilders of Holland.

Geert Wilders, the leader of the Dutch freedom party, may be a racist bastard but in my opinion he has a point regarding Muslim immigrants in general and the Muslim women's veil in particular. The Muslims, with their fanatical Islamic beliefs, are totally unsuited to a European way of life and it is understandable that on the streets of Holland and elsewhere in Europe they are an eyesore to the local population. Wilders has got the Dutch politicians by their throats and is about to get his wish -- the elimination of the disgusting habit of Muslim women to wear the full veil. Wilders should have gone even further by insisting on a ban of the headscarf as well.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Divorce in Malaysia

Malaysia has a high rate of divorce, specially among the Muslims, and it is not difficult to see why --  Islam. The world's most sexually restrictive religion does not allow couples to date and so they go into marriage blind-folded, so to speak. Not having got to know your partner beforehand you wake up one day to discover that you have ended up with the wrong person. Divorce.

aziz anom

The zionist settlements on the west bank.

I say let the Zionist gangsters continue to build their settlements, for they are not going to be able to use them for long. Sooner than anyone thinks they are going to be dragged out of them so that the Palestinians now languishing in refugee camps can take over.

aziz anom

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pope, the clown

I just can't help breaking out in laughter whenever I see the king of the catholics -- the Pope -- as he parades around in his outlandish "fancy dress costume" with a silly headgear. That this clown, this protector of child rapists, should be able to exert so much influence on so many people is remarkable. When will the Roman Catholics wake up to the fact that they are being duped by their masturbating, sex-crazed priests!   

aziz anom

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Eating dates for frequent urination.

Are you bothered by an urge to urinate at night, making you get up several times from your bed? I have a suspicion that eating dates will solve your problem. Give it a try and let me know if it has worked.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Keep away from Kuwait Airways.

You might have come across my site about Kuwait Airways with the title "Kuwait Airways -- probably the worst airline". Well, recently I have received a couple of badly written letters from some religious nuts, presumably Kuwaitis, decrying the use of alcohol by me and defending their primitive family values and shifting the blame for my damaged luggage to India. Let me tell these idiots that the people of South India where I travelled to are far more honest than the crooks populating the Persian Gulf (I know that from personal experience) and that if they want to look for drunkards (and fornicators) they should look no further than their corrupt rulers who, as soon as they leave their country, grab a bottle of whiskey and a sexy whore.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Julian Assange, victim of America's dirty tricks.

Any well informed person would tell you that the charges of rape filed against him in Sweden are false. We all know how the CIA and the Pentagon have behaved in the past and it is no surprise that they are now out to discredit Mr. Assange for exposing their blatant lies about the war in Afghanistan.  

aziz anom

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why doesn't Allah save the Pakistanis?

Ever wonder why God (Allah to the Muslims) doesn't care about the Muslims, even though they pray, fast, perform pilgrimages to Mecca and do other pious things? Look around the world today and you see Muslims suffering everywhere -- Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and now Pakistan where floods have ravaged the country, bringing misery to millions. What is Allah thinking? Is he perhaps dissatisfied with the followers of Islam who, when one considers their practices, essentially treat Him as a buffoon who loves to be flattered and cajoled into giving favors and who considers sharia as a humane set of laws and who treats women, our mothers, as garbage? Surely this Allah must be very angry with the Muslims and now doesn't care a hoot what happens to them.
Some angry Muslim would probably write to me to say that it is not just the Muslims who are suffering, citing the case of Haiti. Sure, I say, it is not just the Muslims who treat God as a buffoon. I am simply writing here about the Muslims because they are such fanatics when it comes to religion and because they consist of a very large proportion of humanity.

aziz anom

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Zardari flies while Pakistan drowns.

The criminal Zardari has once again shown what a bastard he is. While Pakistan drowns in the floods, he trots around Europe in his private plane visiting a chateau in the south of France which he bought with the money he stole from his countrymen. Here are some jokes which illustrate the hatred Pakistanis feel towards him:
Long lines
A man standing in a long line for food tells the others in the line that he is leaving the line to go to shoot the president. He returns after a few hours and rejoins the line.
"Did you manage to kill him", everyone asks him.
"No, that line is longer than this one", he replies.
 Robber meets Zardari
Robber: "Give me all your money!"
Zardari: "Don't you know who I am? I am Asif Ali Zardari."
Robber: "OK. Give me all my money."
TV anchor announcing:
Terrorists have kidnapped our beloved Zardari and are demanding $5,000,000 or they will burn him with petrol. Please donate what you can. I have donated five liters."

aziz anom

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A dim-wit meets a jail-bird.

That's a reference to a meeting that took place between Sarah Palin of the US and Asif Zardari of Pakistan.

aziz anom

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The obnoxious Israelis

Those of you who have travelled around a lot and stayed in guest houses and hotels would undoubtedly have come across the phenomenon of the unpopularity of Israeli tourists amongst the owners of such establishments. Israelis are simply unwelcome because of their aggressive, rude and quarrelsome behaviour and because of their stinginess.
What causes this behaviour? Well, one could put forward a hypothesis here and see how it goes.
Once upon a time, early in the last century, a group of European Jews calling themselves Zionists hit upon the idea of creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine on the grounds that there was a state of Israel there some two thousand years ago (it was conveniently overlooked that the Jews were originally immigrants to Palestine, their race having begun with a chap called Abraham who resided in what is now Iraq).
We can divide the European Jews of the time into good guys and bad guys. The good guys (along with all the civilized world) were horrified at the thought of establishing a state in a region where the Arabs already lived, forming more than 90% of the population. It would be highly immoral, they said. The bad guys didn't give a damn for this opinion and began to move to Palestine with the blessing of the wily British who even issued a document called the Balfour Declaration which went something like this: "His Majesty's government views with favour the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine..." The other European nations also were in favour of Israel in Palestine; primarily because there was no love lost between them (Christians) and the Muslims; and also because they wanted to see the back of the Jews (a case of killing two birds with one stone).
And so it was that the good guys stayed where they were or went to other places -- mostly to America, especially to the big apple (New York) -- while the bad guys poured into Palestine, driving away the Arabs from their homes and lands and turning them into refugees in miserable camps. Today the bad guys continue to terrorize the Palestinians, killing them off whenever it suits them, torturing them, demolishing their homes, laying waste their agricultural lands and building walls between them. It's called crimes against humanity but the world, under the leadership of religious people like Bush and Blair, looks the other way, preferring instead to wage wars against those who would put an end to Zionism.
The bad guys therefore have free reign to continue to commit their atrocities and have lots of time left over to travel the world as tourists where they just can't help revealing themselves for what they are -- bad guys.

aziz anom

Monday, August 2, 2010

General Wesley Clark --another biased American.

Do these American politicians and generals really believe in the garbage they spit out on Aljazeera? The latest was General Wesley Clark who on the program Fault Lines could not understand (or pretended to) why Iran wanted to pick a fight with the Zionists and why it was pursuing a nuclear weapons program. Let us tell this idiot that if Israel, North Korea, Pakistan and India have the bomb then it is understandable that Iran too should want one, if only as a deterrent. Is he deaf to the threats to attack that country coming out of his country and from occupied Palestine? Yes Iran, unlike the traitors who rule most of the Arab world, does want to send the Zionists packing back to where they came from and if he does not understand that then he should go back to school and study a little bit of history.

aziz anom

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Iran tries to stone a woman to death.

What kind of human beings would subject an Iranian woman to be pelted with stones until she died? Would you be able to do it? I know I wouldn't. But ask a fanatical Muslim and he would say that this is what sharia law demands and since sharia is from god it cannot be questioned. There is little point in arguing with these idiots, telling them that such barbaric practices have no place in any society, Muslim or non-Muslim, and certainly not for an act of adultery. They will come up with some lame excuse or another to justify their cruel behavior. 
Coming up with lame excuses is very common among Muslims, specially among those who pretend to be educated. I have received one or two letters from such people who have read my websites and I can tell you that their arguments are laughable. I simply ignore them with contempt.
To say that sharia is from god is to insult god, if he does exist. And if god is revengeful, as Muslims believe he is, then surely these pious Muslims can themselves expect to be stoned in the hereafter.

aziz anom

Monday, June 28, 2010

brazil's jails

Recently there was a program on TV about the horrific conditions in Brazil"s prisons. It made me sick. I am sure such conditions prevail in most prisons of the third world. What are politicians in those countries thinking? Do they expect the criminals to somehow get reformed under those inhumane conditions or they just want to forget about them and let them rot till they die?
A better solution to the problem of crime in my opinion is to abolish all prisons, give the criminals on conviction a few lashes on the back side and let them do slave labour in a factory or on a farm while at the same time teaching them appropriate behavior in a special school. Just think how much money society would save by employing such a method and the speed with which these people would be inclined to become better citizens?

aziz anom

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Turkey should cut all ties with Israel.

Turkey recalled its ambassador from the Zionist state after the attack in international waters on the Gaza aid flotilla. Now Turkey says it will not send its envoy back until the Zionists apologized for their outrageous behavior. What?! I exclaimed to myself when I heard that. Were the Turks really willing to do that after all those fiery speeches they made just a short time back? Do they have such short memories? So this is my message to them:
Wake up, you wimps, you don't want any more relations with that bastard state, not now, not under any circumstances. If you don't cut off all ties with it you will lose all the respect you have gained after that horrific incident on the high seas. Demand that the Zionists be punished -- no, go even further, tell them, like that grand old lady, Helen Thomas, did, that they are occupiers of Palestine and that they should go back home to Poland, Germany, America and elsewhere.

aziz anom

Friday, June 11, 2010

Is anti-Israel the same as anti-Semite?

Why can't the morons on the Fox channel and other American media get it into their heads that just because someone has made a remark against Israel it does not mean that he is an anti-Semite?

aziz anom

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Helen Thomas, a woman to be admired.

What the hell is wrong with telling the truth? It seems that in America Zionism is as sacred as the bible, perhaps more so because people nowadays, if they talk about Christianity at all, do come up with negative comments about the "sacred" book and hardly anyone raises an eyebrow. But say anything unflattering about the Jewish state and you are castigated vehemently, like Helen Thomas was.
She told the truth about that odious state, that the Zionists are occupiers of that land and that they should "get the hell out of Palestine." Now she has to pay the price for her honesty and give up her job.
The real power in America resides obviously not in the White House but in the Israel lobby, that vile collection of rich gangsters posing as Americans but working for a foreign state.   

aziz anom

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The zionist criminals must be taught a lesson.

This illegal state of Israel, created with the blessing of Islam-hating west, has to be removed from the face of the earth. It is a danger not only to the Arabs but to all decent people around the globe. Not satisfied with robbing the Palestinians of their land these obnoxious animals continue to terrorize anyone who does not accept their distorted point of view, as we just saw in the Mediterranean with ships carrying supplies to Gaza. It is now time for everyone to face the fact that there is a devil in their midst and they have to stop
talking and start acting.  

aziz anom

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pakistan, an area of pitch darkness

Pakistan has just announced the blocking of 800 websites because of their "blasphemous" content. I suppose that would include this blog as well. All this comes as no surprise to me for I have long held the view that that country is one of the most backward in the world, primarily because of their obsession with religion which makes them intolerant of other viewpoints. It does not occur to them that they might be wrong, that Islam might not be from god, that it was perhaps the brainchild of Muhammad himself. Deprived of a proper education a Pakistani is unable to think independently of his society, unable to search for the truth. All he wants is the Quran, the Hadith and the Sharia. The result -- this insane blocking of websites.
Any muslim who wants to learn about the origin of his religion should read MUHAMMAD by Maxime Rodinson.

Aziz anom

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ghost again

The other night, while I slept alone in my locked room, a hand touched my arm. I awoke with a start. I looked around but there was no one. Incidents like this convinces me more and more that there is another dimension to life about which we human beings know little about. If you too have experienced similar happenings, feel free to tell me about them.

aziz anom

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Doctors warn against wearing Hijab/Burka

Hijab and burka-wearing Muslim women are putting their health at risk because they do not get enough sunlight, doctors have warned

aziz anom

Monday, May 3, 2010

Islamic headscarves and burqas

Muslims (benighted, most of them) say that their women are following their religion when they hide their hair and faces. What I would like to ask is why some 30 or 35 years ago hardly any Muslim female in for example Malaysia or Iran had herself covered? Did Islam suddenly change? Of course not! Which means the change came about because Muslim's beliefs changed, mostly beliefs of Muslim men who somehow felt threatened by female sexuality. It is these uneducated men who have begun to suppress their women-folk and now these poor women think that it is Islam that forbids them from looking attractive. I hope more countries would follow Belgium's example and make it illegal for any woman to wear such outrageous "costumes".

aziz anom

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blair in Malaysia

Why didn't Muslim Malaysia arrest Blair while he was there? This bastard should have been charged with war crimes in Iraq. Do Muslims stand a chance of getting some kind of justice in this world when their fellow-Muslims let them down like this?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Who is behind the bombings in Iraq?

Before the American invasion of Iraq the people of that country did not attach any importance to being a Sunni or a Shia. Even now I don't think they care what sect their fellow Iraqis belong to. The popular perception is that it is the outsiders who are creating the division between the two people and the finger is usually pointed at Al-Quida. But why should Osama bin Laden be so interested in creating such a mess in a Muslim country when his avowed enemies have always been America and Israel and the Arab leaders he considers traitors, leaders such as Mubarak and the Abdullas. What could he possibly gain by killing ordinary citizens of Iraq? The answer in my view is that it is not he who is behind the suicide bombings but some other outside force -- and that force is Israel!

The Zionists have been known to employ every dirty trick in the book to keep a Muslim country from developing and becoming strong enough to help the Palestinian people regain their lost land. It serves their interest to keep Iraq in chaos and what better way to do that than to sow dissension between the Shias and the Sunnis. It was after all the Zionists who prodded America to invade Iraq in the first place and is now prodding them to do the same to Iran.

Check out the following website:

Friday, April 2, 2010

Catholic criminal priests

After the sex abuse scandal surrounding the Vatican, does anyone now really believe that religious people around the world are worthy of respect? All the scums in the churches, temples and mosques should be dragged out and exposed for what they are. The world would then be a much safer and a healthier place.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Doctors get permission to kill 32 million more Americans.

As noted elsewhere on this blog, whenever doctors are unavailable for treating patients the death rate among these patients drops. You wouldn't expect that, would you? But that's what happens. That is because doctors are largely treating the symptoms of a disease. They haven't a clue what is causing the disease because their training has not focused on diet and exercise. So don't think this new health reform in America will help the hitherto uninsured people. It will more likely expedite their journey to the hereafter.

aziz anom

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A zionist insult to the Americans

Have the Americans lost all self-respect? The Israelis gave Joe Biden a slap in the face regarding settlements on occupied west bank and still all the Americans could do was to go softly softly on their miscreant friend. Have they no shame, these Yankees? When will they realize that the Zionists are a burden on them and continuing to tolerate their vile deeds will only serve to bring on another "9/11".

aziz anom

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fake inquiry into the Iraq war

Why is it that every time the British conduct an inquiry into the criminal behavior of Jesus-loving Blair, it ends up with a whitewash and the Chilcot thing going on now is headed that way too. Surely there are some decent people in Britain who could have been picked for the inquiry, people who were devoted to truth, people who were not beholden to any politician or the government!

aziz anom

passport fraud in Dubai

The west created and supported Israel. Now, it seems, their creation has turned into Frankenstein which has come back to haunt them. Europeans and Australians, whose passports the Zionists forged to murder a Hamas man in Dubai, want answers but don't seem to be getting any from their criminal friend. Serves them right.

aziz anom

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Is sufism a mild or a wild form of Islam?

Sometime back I attended a wedding of the son of a cousin in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The cousin had become a Sufi and he took us to one of his Sufi gatherings where they were jumping about like madmen and shouting "Allah O Akbar" (God is great), presided over by a visiting sheik from somewhere. I found it hilarious. To get some idea of what I saw I give you the video below. The music here has obviously been superimposed on the chanting but who knows, these screwballs might actually have had it on, mosque or no mosque.

To those of you who know a little about Islam it might appear as though these fellows are making a mockery of their religion. If Allah existed what do you think he would say to all this? I think his response would go something like this:

"Look here, you fools, there is no need to tell me that I am great. I know I am! Flattering me as if I were a child will not get you into heaven. It will get you into the other place."

My apologies to the cousin.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

genocide of armenians and native americans

Turkey is angry that the American congress has passed a resolution describing as "genocide" the killing of Armenians by the ottoman Turks a century ago. I say to the Turks: instead of being angry, you bloody fools, pass a resolution of your own telling the holier than thou Americans that they themselves have committed genocide -- against the native Americans, not to mention the enslaving of the Africans.

aziz anom

Friday, March 5, 2010

Mosab Hassan Yousef, a Palestinian puppet of Israel

The eldest son of a founding member of the Palestinian organization, Hamas, has said he worked as a spy for Israel for more than ten years. I first heard about this fellow on the BBC and found it hard to believe his story, not because he did the Zionist's dirty work (there have been quite a few Arabs like him before) but because of his attacks on Islam and his conversion to Christianity. On Fox TV he went even further by saying that while he was in an Israeli prison he witnessed Hamas members torturing other Hamas inmates. I was convinced then that this traitor to his own people was not telling the whole truth, that he was very likely saying what his Israeli masters wanted him to say.

aziz anom

Friday, February 19, 2010

Clinton's double standard.

Hillary Clinton came out unscathed from a recent meeting sponsored by Aljazeera, with a bunch of mostly meek Arabs in the audience. After watching this, one no longer wonders why the Arabs are such losers. The question that nobody put to this bitch should have been this:

You are so keen to punish Iran for its nuclear activities but are not willing to lift a finger at the Zionists for breaking so many international laws. Why this double standard?

aziz anom

Monday, February 8, 2010

The myth of democracy

How many countries are really democratic? Not many, I would say. Apart from western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada the rest are more or less autocratic.  Notice that I have not included the United States among the democracies. The reason for that should be obvious to anyone who has some interest in politics but let's mention a few things about that country: if you are not loaded with money, don't belong to one of the two parties (Republicans or Democrats), have no major TV station to back you up, your policies run counter to the big corporations, are not married, aren't religious and don't support Israel, you have absolutely no hope of entering the white house or the congress.

aziz anom

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Osama and obama

Imagine if these two guys had switched their positions -- Osama becoming the president of the U,S. and Obama taking the leadership of Al-Quida. You would think that there would be a dramatic change in world politics. Well, not exactly. What is likely to happen is that the Zionist lobby would immediately murder Osama  before he could even open his mouth to drink a cup of tea (cheered on no doubt by the Fox News Channel); while Obama, no matter what he says about "change you could believe in" would simply be laughed at for being such a hypocrite and subjected to a session of intense Islamic preaching until he can no longer take it and embraces Islam.

aziz anom

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Haiti and Gaza

American presidents, past and present, are scrambling to help Haiti, which is of course a good thing. But are they really touched by the suffering of the Haitian people or are they just putting on a show? I say it's all humbug, for think of their reaction or lack of it to the other "earthquake" that rammed the people of Gaza when the Zionist thugs dropped bombs and chemicals on everyone and everything, committing a heinous war crime. There wasn't a single finger raised to protect and help those people; indeed the Americans as well as the Europeans cheered the thugs on and they are still cheering, leaving the people of Gaza to keep on suffering to this very day. Are the Haitians more human than the people of Gaza? Go figure.

aziz anom

Friday, January 15, 2010

Allah and the Malaysian muslims

Muslims are probably some of the most ignorant people on earth in modern times, which is why it was so easy to convert them to Islam in the first place. I mean what knowledgeable person with even a modicum of education would want to convert to this religion if he had been able to read and understand the Quran and if he knew a little about the story of Muhammad. Do the Muslims in Malaysia know that Allah simply means god in Arabic and that that name was used by the pagans of Arabia to refer to their pre-Islamic god which they worshiped around the Kaaba. The Christians of Malay speaking Malaysia and Indonesia have also been using Allah for centuries to refer to their god. So there is no excuse whatsoever for Muslim mobs to indulge in the bombing of churches over this issue.

aziz anom