Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Doctors get permission to kill 32 million more Americans.

As noted elsewhere on this blog, whenever doctors are unavailable for treating patients the death rate among these patients drops. You wouldn't expect that, would you? But that's what happens. That is because doctors are largely treating the symptoms of a disease. They haven't a clue what is causing the disease because their training has not focused on diet and exercise. So don't think this new health reform in America will help the hitherto uninsured people. It will more likely expedite their journey to the hereafter.

aziz anom

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A zionist insult to the Americans

Have the Americans lost all self-respect? The Israelis gave Joe Biden a slap in the face regarding settlements on occupied west bank and still all the Americans could do was to go softly softly on their miscreant friend. Have they no shame, these Yankees? When will they realize that the Zionists are a burden on them and continuing to tolerate their vile deeds will only serve to bring on another "9/11".

aziz anom

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fake inquiry into the Iraq war

Why is it that every time the British conduct an inquiry into the criminal behavior of Jesus-loving Blair, it ends up with a whitewash and the Chilcot thing going on now is headed that way too. Surely there are some decent people in Britain who could have been picked for the inquiry, people who were devoted to truth, people who were not beholden to any politician or the government!

aziz anom

passport fraud in Dubai

The west created and supported Israel. Now, it seems, their creation has turned into Frankenstein which has come back to haunt them. Europeans and Australians, whose passports the Zionists forged to murder a Hamas man in Dubai, want answers but don't seem to be getting any from their criminal friend. Serves them right.

aziz anom

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Is sufism a mild or a wild form of Islam?

Sometime back I attended a wedding of the son of a cousin in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The cousin had become a Sufi and he took us to one of his Sufi gatherings where they were jumping about like madmen and shouting "Allah O Akbar" (God is great), presided over by a visiting sheik from somewhere. I found it hilarious. To get some idea of what I saw I give you the video below. The music here has obviously been superimposed on the chanting but who knows, these screwballs might actually have had it on, mosque or no mosque.

To those of you who know a little about Islam it might appear as though these fellows are making a mockery of their religion. If Allah existed what do you think he would say to all this? I think his response would go something like this:

"Look here, you fools, there is no need to tell me that I am great. I know I am! Flattering me as if I were a child will not get you into heaven. It will get you into the other place."

My apologies to the cousin.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

genocide of armenians and native americans

Turkey is angry that the American congress has passed a resolution describing as "genocide" the killing of Armenians by the ottoman Turks a century ago. I say to the Turks: instead of being angry, you bloody fools, pass a resolution of your own telling the holier than thou Americans that they themselves have committed genocide -- against the native Americans, not to mention the enslaving of the Africans.

aziz anom

Friday, March 5, 2010

Mosab Hassan Yousef, a Palestinian puppet of Israel

The eldest son of a founding member of the Palestinian organization, Hamas, has said he worked as a spy for Israel for more than ten years. I first heard about this fellow on the BBC and found it hard to believe his story, not because he did the Zionist's dirty work (there have been quite a few Arabs like him before) but because of his attacks on Islam and his conversion to Christianity. On Fox TV he went even further by saying that while he was in an Israeli prison he witnessed Hamas members torturing other Hamas inmates. I was convinced then that this traitor to his own people was not telling the whole truth, that he was very likely saying what his Israeli masters wanted him to say.

aziz anom