Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pakistan, an area of pitch darkness

Pakistan has just announced the blocking of 800 websites because of their "blasphemous" content. I suppose that would include this blog as well. All this comes as no surprise to me for I have long held the view that that country is one of the most backward in the world, primarily because of their obsession with religion which makes them intolerant of other viewpoints. It does not occur to them that they might be wrong, that Islam might not be from god, that it was perhaps the brainchild of Muhammad himself. Deprived of a proper education a Pakistani is unable to think independently of his society, unable to search for the truth. All he wants is the Quran, the Hadith and the Sharia. The result -- this insane blocking of websites.
Any muslim who wants to learn about the origin of his religion should read MUHAMMAD by Maxime Rodinson.

Aziz anom

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ghost again

The other night, while I slept alone in my locked room, a hand touched my arm. I awoke with a start. I looked around but there was no one. Incidents like this convinces me more and more that there is another dimension to life about which we human beings know little about. If you too have experienced similar happenings, feel free to tell me about them.

aziz anom

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Doctors warn against wearing Hijab/Burka

Hijab and burka-wearing Muslim women are putting their health at risk because they do not get enough sunlight, doctors have warned

aziz anom

Monday, May 3, 2010

Islamic headscarves and burqas

Muslims (benighted, most of them) say that their women are following their religion when they hide their hair and faces. What I would like to ask is why some 30 or 35 years ago hardly any Muslim female in for example Malaysia or Iran had herself covered? Did Islam suddenly change? Of course not! Which means the change came about because Muslim's beliefs changed, mostly beliefs of Muslim men who somehow felt threatened by female sexuality. It is these uneducated men who have begun to suppress their women-folk and now these poor women think that it is Islam that forbids them from looking attractive. I hope more countries would follow Belgium's example and make it illegal for any woman to wear such outrageous "costumes".

aziz anom