Sunday, December 26, 2010

Israeli claims that it won its wars on its own is a lie.

1967 6-day war : A shopkeeper friend of mine was sitting, as he often did, outside his shop in Singapore when a western tourist passed by and fell into conversation with him. The tourist turned out to be an American, a former pilot in the US air force, now retired and living in the Philippines. He revealed that during the 6-day war, most of the Israeli planes and tanks were manned by the Americans, he being one of the pilots, as the Jewish forces invaded Sinai, the Golan Heights and the West Bank.

During this war a US warship called Liberty was bombed by Israel. This deadly attack has never been fully investigated by the US. One can only surmise that Washington simply had to keep a lid on the incident because an investigation would have exposed America's participation in that war, that it was probably a case of friendly fire from planes flown by American pilots.

1973 Yom Kippur war: This war was apparently well planned by the Egyptians and the Syrians. According to a former officer in the Egyptian army whom I met in Scandinavia while he was on some course of study there, the plan to go to war was kept from the Russians who had supplied most of the modern weapons to the Egyptians, including the SAMS (the surface to air missiles). This officer, along with his colleagues, was ordered by Cairo to move the Russian advisers away from the Suez Canal where the SAMS had been installed. Then, according to the officer, the order to launch an attack came from Cairo not by telephone or radio but by a messenger travelling by road from Cairo to the Canal. The order was to first hold their anti-aircraft fire until the Egyptian air force had completed its mission to bomb enemy positions in Sinai and had returned to their bases. After that the SAMS were to shoot down all planes in the sky as the ground forces crossed the canal and took up positions on that side with their anti-tank weapons. Apparently this was a huge success, the Egyptians destroying 40 Israeli planes in the first day of the war as reported by well informed sources at the time. Subsequently, according to a former CIA operative now retired and also living in the Philippines (on the island of Leyte) whom I met when I was in that country, the Israelis lost hundreds of their tanks and were in danger of losing most of their air force. They faced certain defeat and extinction. But the Americans had already stepped in and were bringing in new hardware and pilots and tank crews. This CIA man himself had been sent there to help the Israelis.

If you want to read the full story, go to my other website at:

aziz anom

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Huckabee, the fat hypocrite.

I am fascinated by films such as "Elmer Gentry" with Burt Lancaster which was in theaters many years ago. In it a scoundrel of a man teams up with a female preacher to spread Christianity. There are loads of such characters in real life. One such is the former baptist pastor Mike  Huckabee, now showing his true colors every week on the Fox channel. This scum of a man wants to execute Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, and has previously asked why the Zionists should not be allowed to keep on building settlements on the West Bank --  'on their own land', as he put it.
One can put up with hypocrites but a hypocrite who wears the cloak of religion, that's a bit too much.  

aziz anom

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Should the Zionists vacate the whole of Palestine?

Some of the most ardent supporters of the Palestinian people (George Galloway, The Young Turks, etc.) are, to my dismay, reluctant to go the whole hog and say that the Zionist occupiers of Palestine should go back to the countries they came from. They only want the Arabs to set up their state on the West Bank within the 1967 borders. In other words, according to them, if most of the rooms in your house have been occupied by criminals you should not demand that the criminals get the hell out of the house but settle for the rooms left to you. Would any human being be able to do that? Of course not! Get real, people.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Does Iran already have the bomb?

Iran is reported to have acquired very long range missiles from North Korea. Is it then not likely that it has also bought a few nuclear devices from that country? Buying them is much cheaper than going about making one yourself. Can we therefore assume that what Iran is saying is true, that it is only engaged in producing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes?

Chavez, the true patriot.

Chavez, the President of Venezuela, has invited his flood-stricken countrymen to move into the presidential palace during the emergency while he himself will move into a tent donated by Gadafi of Libya. Can you imagine another head of state doing this? This man has indeed a heart of gold!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sex, alcohol, drugs and the Saudi royal family.

The following is from an article in Britain's Guardian newspaper, describing one of Wikileaks' cables:

"US diplomats describe a world of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll behind the official pieties of Saudi Arabian royalty.

Jeddah consulate officials described an underground Halloween party, thrown last year by a member of the royal family, which broke all the country's Islamic taboos. Liquor and prostitutes were present in abundance, according to leaked dispatches, behind the heavily-guarded villa gates.

The party was thrown by a wealthy prince from the large Al-Thunayan family. The diplomats said his identity should be kept secret. A US energy drinks company also put up some of the finance.

"Alcohol, though strictly prohibited by Saudi law and custom, was plentiful at the party's well-stocked bar. The hired Filipino bartenders served a cocktail punch using sadiqi, a locally-made moonshine," the cable said. "It was also learned through word-of-mouth that a number of the guests were in fact 'working girls', not uncommon for such parties."

The dispatch from the US partygoers, signed off by the consul in Jeddah, Martin Quinn, added: "Though not witnessed directly at this event, cocaine and hashish use is common in these social circles."

The underground party scene is "thriving and throbbing" in Saudi Arabia thanks to the protection of Saudi royalty, the dispatch said. But it is only available behind closed doors and for the very rich."

What a bunch of hypocritical bastards, these royals! 

I am sure they are not the only ones in the Muslim world.

aziz anom

Bravo wikileaks!

I wonder how many men would have Interpol running after them because their condoms broke and they were simply unable to discontinue with the screw, disregarding the pleas of their partners to stop? This scenario is apparently what is emerging in the Assange saga, according to some sources. But then we have to ask: Did the condoms break during sex with both the women? Surely this is highly improbable. Conclusion: The two women are lying.
I say again that the Swedish prosecutor is corrupt and he should be taught a lesson so that others are not tempted to take bribes also from the Americans or anybody else. Supporters of Assange have launched a massive cyber attack on every individual and organization that is complicit in his incarceration and who are trying to put a brake on Wikileaks.

Hats off to Wikileaks. 

aziz anom

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

George Galloway Savages SKY NEWS!

Noam Chomsky's comment on wikileak's cable on Iran.

"Perhaps the most dramatic revelation, or mention, is the bitter hatred of democracy that is revealed both by the U.S. Government – Hillary Clinton, others – and also by the diplomatic service........They pretend to each other that the Arab world regards Iran as the major threat and wants the U.S. to bomb Iran........when they know that approximately 80% of Arab opinion regards the U.S. and Israel as the major threat, 10% regard Iran as the major threat, and a majority, 57%, think the region would be better off with Iranian nuclear weapons as a kind of deterrent. What counts to them is what they claim is said by Arab dictators – brutal Arab dictators..."

Canada, another lover of Zionism.

Aljazeera recently showed on its program FAULT LINES how pro-Israel Canada has become, even outperforming the U.S. of A. This was news to me. And if it was news also to Al-Quida and the other Muslim fighters then we could expect a spate of bombings of Canadian targets. What these western lovers of Zionism don't realise is that the world has changed. Victims of injustice no longer take things lying down, like they used to. Perpetrators of crime and their supporters now have to live in perpetual fear of being blown up. Canadians beware!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Are Swedish judges on the take?

After the rape charges against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange were initially dismissed by the Swedish courts as being without legal merit we now see that that country is once again trying to arrest Assange. What has changed the minds of people who were once considered by the world as models of decency and fair play? Anyone who has lived in Scandinavia knows that a man who wants sex does not need to rape a woman. The females there are some of the freest in the world; sex to them is like eating and drinking; if they feel like it they indulge in it without reservation. And just look at Julian Assange --  Is he not young looking and handsome? Thousands of women would scream to screw with him. So the question is: Who got to his two female accusers and who got to the legal eagles? The answer is clear to anyone who has got a brain and a little understanding of world politics and the criminal role played in it by the Americans. They say every man (and woman) has his price, so we have to ask: How much money did these people demand from U.S.agents for selling their souls?

aziz anom