Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Iran tries to stone a woman to death.

What kind of human beings would subject an Iranian woman to be pelted with stones until she died? Would you be able to do it? I know I wouldn't. But ask a fanatical Muslim and he would say that this is what sharia law demands and since sharia is from god it cannot be questioned. There is little point in arguing with these idiots, telling them that such barbaric practices have no place in any society, Muslim or non-Muslim, and certainly not for an act of adultery. They will come up with some lame excuse or another to justify their cruel behavior. 
Coming up with lame excuses is very common among Muslims, specially among those who pretend to be educated. I have received one or two letters from such people who have read my websites and I can tell you that their arguments are laughable. I simply ignore them with contempt.
To say that sharia is from god is to insult god, if he does exist. And if god is revengeful, as Muslims believe he is, then surely these pious Muslims can themselves expect to be stoned in the hereafter.

aziz anom