1. The foreskin of [a holy one] may lie safeguarded in reliquaries made of gold and crystal and inlayed with gems--or it may have ascended into the heavens all by itself. (2 [3])
2. A race of giants once roamed the earth, the result of women and demi-gods interbreeding. (1, 6). They lived at the same time as fire breathing dragons. (1 [4])
3. Evil spirits can take control of pigs. (1 [5])
4. A talking donkey scolded a prophet. (1, 3 [6])
5. A righteous man can control his wife’s access to eternal paradise. (6 [7])
6. Brown skin is a punishment for disobeying God. (6 [7])
7. A prophet once traveled between two cities on a miniature flying horse with the face of a woman and the tail of a peacock. (4 [8])
8. [The Holy One] forbids a cat or dog receiving a blood transfusion and forbids blood meal being used as garden fertilizer. (7 [9])
9. Sacred underwear protects believers from spiritual contamination and, according to some adherents, from fire and speeding bullets (6 [10])
10. When certain rites are performed beforehand, bread turns into human flesh after it is swallowed. (2 [11])
11. Invisible supernatural beings reveal themselves in mundane objects like oozing paint or cooking food. (2 [12])
12. In the end times, [the Holy One’s] chosen people will be gathered together in Jackson County, Missouri. (6 [7])
13. Believers can drink poison or get bit by snakes without being harmed. (1 [13])
14. Sprinkling water on a newborn, if done correctly, can keep the baby from eons of suffering should he or she die prematurely. (2 [14])
15. Waving a chicken over your head can take away your sins. (3 [15])
16. [A holy one] climbed a mountain and could see the whole earth from the mountain peak. (1, 2 [16])
17. Putting a dirty milk glass and a plate from a roast beef sandwich in the same dishwasher can contaminate your soul. (3 [17])
18. There will be an afterlife in which exactly 144,000 people get to live eternally in Paradise. (8 [18])
19. Each human being contains many alien spirits that were trapped in volcanos by hydrogen bombs. (5 [19])
20. [A supernatural being] cares tremendously what you do with your penis. 1,2,3,4,6,7,8.
Key: 1-Evangelical or “Bible Believing” Christianity, 2-Catholic Christianity, 3-Judaism, 4-Islam, 5-Scientology, 6-Mormonism 7-Christian Science 8-Jehovah’s Witness