Saturday, January 24, 2009

the Quran

I can tell you that the first time I read the Quran, the Islamic holy book, I was shocked. I couldn't believe that this could be the work of a God. In the first few pages of the book I found God praising himself lavishly. To me it was unthinkable that God would do such a thing. Hell, any human being in his right mind wouldn't do that either. Then there are other passages in the "holy book" that are just not right, like the one telling Muslim men that they could beat their wives. I concluded that the Quran was obviously the work of a man, probably Muhammad himself.

But -- say the Muslims -- Muhammad couldn't possibly have written it because he was illiterate. That is a huge lie, for if one reads history one discovers that the man was able to read and write very well indeed.

I don't know when I stopped believing in Islam but I am happy that I did and I have no fear that I would be sent to burn in the fires of hell for it. When you come to think of it all religions are based on fear, fear of the punishment that would be meted out in the hereafter for disbelieving. Remove this fear and you free yourself from the nonsense.

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