Thursday, March 26, 2009

muslim women's headscarves

For me watching a woman wearing a headscarf is a pain. How silly the Muslims are to think that a woman's hair necessarily makes her desirable, requiring it to be hidden from men's eyes. Men are attracted to the opposite sex in so many different ways and hair is probably the least he is attracted to. I suppose they would say that hair as such is not the issue but what hair does to the appearance as a whole.

Be that as it may, the question we must ask now is: If women should be protected from men, why aren't the men from women's lustful gazes? Why aren't the men also required to cover their hair?

Let me say this: If I ever came to power in a Muslim country one of the first thing I would do is to order the burning of all headscarves.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Aljazeera and the ICC

A reporter on Aljazeera, mister Anand something, interviewed the president of the International Criminal Court, asking him, very tamely, about the war crimes committed by the Zionists in Gaza. Anand made no effort to pin the incoherent man down by asking any embarrassing questions. He accepted everything that was said to him and this surprised me. Here was Aljazeera playing the western game as it were. The heavily accented President said that the Court had taken action against the Sudanese President because the Security Council of the U.N. had told him to, whereas nothing had been said to him about Gaza. This should have prompted the question: So the Court is not an independent body? But that question never came. Anand could have proceeded to drive the point home by pointing out that the Security Council was controlled by the U.S. and the other lovers of Zionism so it is not a surprise that Gaza was not mentioned.

I say shame on you Aljazeera. I thought you were different from the biased western media. Idiotic reporters like Anand who are unable to confront their interviewees should not be employed by you.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


What is the definition of Education? Who is an educated person? Is he an engineer, doctor, lawyer or any other person who has completed a long course of study at some school or university?
I say not.
I say that a person cannot be called educated unless he has learnt to think for himself and is able to question the accepted norms of his society.

the ultimate weapon against disease

What do you do when you are racked by a chronic, possibly serious disease? The stupid doctors of course haven't been able to do anything and you are just lying there suffering and waiting for death. Is there no hope at all for you? Well, take heart, there is.
It's called fasting.
When you fast (for 10 days at least) you give your body a chance to rid itself of all the toxins that have accumulated over the years through your bad eating and drinking habits and perhaps your sedentary life-style.
And this is how you do it:
Take a spoonful of blackstrap molasses and put it in a large cup or mug; then squeeze half a lemon into the cup and add hot water. Stir the mixture and drink up. And keep drinking this concoction as many times as you wish during the day, keeping well away from all other foods and drinks except water.
You will be healthy and vigorous all over again.


Recently I had the condition they call eczema (red, itchy rashes on the skin) so, as usual, I turned to the internet for help. Apparently there was no known cure for it. The Doctors resorted to steroid creams which do not work and are dangerous.
On the various discussion boards there seemed only one thing that people were sure actually worked against eczema and that was sea salt. The recommendation was made that you should go to the beach and soak yourself in the sea. That made me wonder if one could simply use ordinary table salt from the kitchen. So I took a glass of tap water, dissolved a few spoonfuls of salt in it and rubbed this salt water on my affected skin. And voila! my eczema began to disappear almost immediately.
But that didn't answer why the problem arose in the first place? Further research pointed the accusing finger at the following:
1) Food allergy, especially to milk and milk products.
2) Antibiotics
3) Excessive consumption of sugar/starch.
The last one seemed to be my problem. So I made some changes to my diet.
No more eczema.

frequent urination

For a long time now I have been troubled by frequent urination, especially during night time when I was obliged to get up from my sleep several times to go to the loo. What I observed was that the problem was particularly worse when I had consumed heaps of carbohydrates during the day.
On searching the literature on frequent urination one study caught my attention: it said that if you are on diuretics you can develop an intolerance for glucose (carbohydrate) leading to the body being unable to process the sugar and the sugar therefore building up in the blood stream -- a condition akin to diabetes. (Diabetics of course urinate often)
I had never been on diuretic drugs but I discovered that I had been eating a lot of foods, like certain spices, that were natural diuretics. The solution offered by that study was to discontinue the diuretics, cut down on salt and take potassium supplements. But how does one discontinue foods that one has been used to eating and loved doing so with a bit of salt? Not easy. I reasoned that potassium alone was unlikely to solve the problem and did not try it.
But over the course of time I found a simpler cure -- EXERCISE. Yes, whenever I had done a lot of physical activity during the day I slept mostly undisturbed during the night. This was in keeping too with what people have been saying about exercise, that it lowers the blood sugar level in the body (if not in the brain where it has the opposite effect). I went to Google to find out if anybody else had talked about the benefits of exercise in relation to frequent urination but there seemed to be no one.
Later on I discovered that the cause of the problem was very likely lack of fat in the diet, for whenever I had eaten butter or anything that had been fried, there was no rushing to the bathroom.

doctors -- a bunch of frauds.

I have long considered medical practice to be a disaster. Apart from giving antibiotics and patching up accident victims and congenital defects and such-like, is there anything else doctors are really capable of?
When it comes to degenerative diseases, doctors, despite their years of training, are probably engaged in quackery when they try to banish from view the ugly symptoms of their patients mysterious diseases with chemicals, operations and shocks. Do they really think that the diseases would simply go away by such means?
A true scientist and a healer would try to search for the cause of a disorder and remove that cause. And the cause -- in the vast majority of bodily mal-function, both physical and mental -- is food or the wrong kind of it that is being consumed. Indeed Hippocrates, whose oath our white-coated friends are required to take, himself proclaimed: THY FOOD SHALL BE THY REMEDY. But do we, the patients, ever get asked about our dietary habits when we go to see a doctor?
An interesting news item came to my attention the other day: Some years ago doctors in Bogota, Columbia, had gone on strike for 52 days and in that period the death rate there fell by 35 %. Also in Los Angeles, during a slow-down by doctors, the death rate dropped by 18 %. Makes you think, doesn't it? And if it doesn't, then read below what some eminent people are thinking:

Professor Alonzo Clark:

Sir John Forbes:

Professor Francois Magendie:

Philosopher Alexis Carrel:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


There has been published a new biography of Mohamed Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. The author is an Indian. I was impressed by it because I think it is factual. Jinnah was arrogant and self-seeking, with absolutely no religious inclinations. If the Indian Congress party had offered him the first premiership of a united India, this pork-eating, whiskey drinking skeleton of a man would have grabbed it and Pakistan would have been forgotten; millions of innocent people would then have been spared the killings and mayhem that followed along the borders of the two states. Indeed after he was holed up in the then backwater town of Karachi, he regretted Pakistan and longed for his life in Bombay and his large house there. The people of Pakistan are not told this and as a result the man is regarded there as some kind of god.

god and religion

Put yourself in the position of God. If you had a message for humans on earth, would you be stupid enough to choose one man in one particular part of earth to be the carrier of that message? If you did that, your message certainly wouldn't reach all humanity, would it?

No, the most efficient way to get your message across would be to transmit it directly to all, by whatever means at your disposal. You are after all God and you can do anything, right?

incredible india

Do you remember the book V.S.Naipaul wrote some years back about India which he called "An area of darkness"? Well, in my opinion, his views are still valid today despite all the hullabaloo about India soon becoming, along with China, a modern developed country.

What impresses me about any country is not how industrialized it has become or how much financial clout it wields but how intelligently it is being run. I look at such things as corruption, bureaucracy, cleanliness, discrimination and so on. In all such things India fails miserably. The country is truly incredible and not in the sense that the Indian Tourist Board means it with the slogan "Incredible India".

The country wants tourists but the visas cannot be issued on arrival. If you are outside your own country and if you apply for an Indian visa in a third country, a fax will be sent to your country to check on you and to add insult to injury you have to pay for the fax (there are millions of criminals in India and the authorities are worried about one or two foreign criminals creeping into the country!). People of Indian origin are entitled to a five year visa but try applying for one and see if you can get it without a lot of fuss.

Once you are in the country after having paid through your nose for a visa you are likely to be bombarded with meaningless forms to fill out wherever you go. I once took a bus from Madras to Kodaikanal and the driver gave me one because I was a foreigner (I doodled on it and gave it back. The fellow looked at it and took it away. Not even a professor of English would have understood it but he did.) I once heard of a western couple who had wanted to enter India from Pakistan and were given a form to fill out in triplicate but without any carbon paper. When eventually they did, the Indian immigration simply handed them back and waved them on.

Incredible indeed!

terrorism of the mighty and the weak

That of the mighty :

Terrorism is when you assassinate or overthrow a leader of another country because he does not serve the interests of your own country.

Terrorism is when you commit unprovoked aggression against another country and in the process inflict death and suffering on the citizens of that country.

Terrorism is when you barge into another country, kill their citizens or uproot them from their homes and set up your own state on their soil.

Terrorism is when you force another country to sell its products cheaply to you, thereby keeping that country in poverty.

That of the weak :

Terrorism is when you sneak into another country and blow up its trains and buses or hijack its planes and ram them into tall buildings, killing and maiming many of its citizens.

Terrorism is when you use bombs and bullets indiscriminately to try to overthrow your leaders or to expel their foreign backers.

The question we must ask is:

Who first began to use terrorism?

And who is doing a tit for tat?

The mighty or the weak?

what is wrong with the israelis?

Those of you who have travelled around a lot and stayed in guest houses and hotels would undoubtedly have come across the phenomenon of the unpopularity of Israeli tourists amongst the owners of such establishments. Israelis are simply unwelcome because of their aggressive, rude and quarrelsome behaviour and because of their stinginess.

What causes this behaviour? Well, one could put forward a hypothesis here and see how it goes.

Once upon a time, early in the last century, a group of European Jews calling themselves Zionists hit upon the idea of creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine on the grounds that there was a state of Israel there some two thousand years ago (it was conveniently overlooked that the Jews were originally immigrants to Palestine, their race having begun with a chap called Abraham who resided in what is now Iraq).

We can divide the European Jews of the time into good guys and bad guys. The good guys (along with all the civilized world) were horrified at the thought of establishing a state in a region where the Arabs already lived, forming more than 90% of the population. It would be highly immoral, they said. The bad guys didn't give a damn for this opinion and began to move to Palestine with the blessing of the wily British who even issued a document called the Balfour Declaration which went something like this: "His Majesty's government views with favour the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine..." The other European nations also were in favour of Israel in Palestine; primarily because there was no love lost between them (Christians) and the Muslims; and also because they wanted to see the back of the Jews (a case of killing two birds with one stone).

And so it was that the good guys stayed where they were or went to other places -- mostly to America, especially to the big apple (New York) -- while the bad guys poured into Palestine, driving away the Arabs from their homes and lands and turning them into refugees in miserable camps. Today the bad guys continue to terrorize the Palestinians, killing them off whenever it suits them, torturing them, demolishing their homes, laying waste their agricultural lands and building walls between them. It's called crimes against humanity but the world, under the leadership of religious people like Bush and Blair, looks the other way, preferring instead to wage wars against those who would put an end to Zionism.

The bad guys therefore have free reign to continue to commit their atrocities and have lots of time left over to travel the world as tourists where they just can't help revealing themselves for what they are -- bad guys.

united nations

It is amazing that those members of the United Nations who do not belong to the privileged class of the veto wielding five have continued for so long without stopping to think a little.

Who are these five and who has given them the power to decide over the fate of the rest of humanity? Are they in any way superior to the others? Are they perhaps super human? Are they not flouting the very principle of democracy by frequently over-riding the views of the majority of the members?

I say it's time to call a halt to this dictatorship of the five.

Obviously these self-appointed judges are not going to give up their power willingly, which is why it is necessary for the rest of the UN to stage a mass walk-out of this illegitimate body and start a new organization which would in effect be a world parliament where decisions are made on the basis of a simple majority vote.

Justice would then have been introduced in the world for the first time and there would be fewer conflicts and more peace, don't you think?

I do not give a damn

Have you sometimes looked at a conflict among two countries or groups and said to yourself: "I do not give a damn who wins".

Well, that is what I feel about America and the Taliban.

I am no friend of the thugs who run America, and hate the protection racket they are running around the world (if you do not give us what we want we will make trouble for you) and their unflinching support for the Zionist criminals who occupy Palestine. Nor am I a supporter of the Taliban, that benighted bunch of religious loonies who want to take their people back to the stone age.

So I say let the Christian fundamentalists in America and the Muslim fundamentalists in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Islamic world fight until they are both dead. The sooner they have disappeared from the face of the earth the better.


Who are the Memons? I am sure most of you haven't a clue. But I am a Memon and I want to think a little here about my community.

Until recently I had no idea about my origins, not until I made a trip to the Cutch province of Gujarat state in India. In its capital, Bhuj (later to be destroyed by an earthquake), I found that the people there all spoke my mother tongue, Memni (also called Cutchi) even though not all of them were Memons. I was received with open arms, being invited into their homes for meals and shown around town. They were amused that I spoke the language in a slightly different sort of way. Either my forebears, when they migrated, adopted a different talking style or the people who didn't migrate had done so. I am not sure which.

I am the sort of person who loves libraries and so I visited the only one in Bhuj. There the librarian found for me a book which had a passage about the Memons. It seemed that about 4-500 years ago some 6000 Hindus from the Lohana community (whatever that meant), who resided in the Sindh province of what is now Pakistan, were visited upon by a Muslim preacher and converted to Islam, and were given the name Memon by this preacher, Memon meaning faithful. These Memons later moved down south to Cutch, apparently because the other Hindus living in the surrounding villages, who had chosen to remain Hindus, had started persecuting the Memons for abandoning their traditional faith.

Now what interests me is why these Memons (or more likely in the beginning their headman) embraced Islam? History doesn't say anything, as far as I am aware. Whatever people might say about the truthfulness of their religion, it is never, never easy to get converts to any religion, for religion is based not on reason or logic or rational thought but on conditioning, on rewards and punishments. A child can get conditioned to it by its parents and so can an adult by a preacher offering inducements or threatening dire consequences of some kind or other.

What was offered to the Memons?

Money, land, tax benefits? Or was it simply inter-marriages between the muslim rulers of that area and the local women? No one seems to know or care.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


These days I cannot bear to watch the face of Tony Bloody Blair as he trots around posing as a peace envoy for the Middle East. This war mongering shit a peace envoy?! This Christian fanatic who spits on all that Jesus preached a peace envoy?!

Why don't we hear many voices against this hypocritical bastard?!

You tell me.

international criminal court

The ICC has issued an arrest warrant for the President of Sudan. Why has there not been an arrest warrant for Bush and Blair and the Zionist leaders for their crimes against humanity? I am sure the reader knows exactly what dastardly deeds these criminals have committed.

The conclusion we must reach is that the ICC is not an impartial body and the Sudanese President has every right to ignore it.

is wife beating permitted in Islam?

A common thread running through most Muslims is their ignorance of their own religion. This is perhaps not surprising given the widespread lack of education amongst them and the fact that Arabic is a foreign language to most of them. Barring the scholars, even the educated Arabs are unaware of the contents of the Quran. Their beliefs about Islam reflect not the true precepts of Islam but the norms of the society in which they live. They would for example vehemently assert that there is equality of sexes in Islam. But is there such equality?
Some time back there was the case of an imam or cleric in France who was expelled from that country for saying that muslim men were allowed to beat their wives. The BBC took this up in its programme NEWSHOUR by interviewing two ‘educated’ Muslims who both strongly denied that the Quran sanctioned this, calling the imam ignorant. The BBC man, having obviously done his own research and not wanting to be impolite, quietly commented: "This man you call ignorant might in fact be very enlightened". The 'educated' Muslims failed to get the drift of this.
So what does the Quran say about wife beating? Here is the passage 4:34 for you to make up your own mind:
"Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme."
(For a better understanding of Islam, Muslims should read "Muhammad, a biography of the prophet of Islam" by Maxime Rodinson.)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

fox news channel

I don't normally tune into shitty TV channels but, having been given Fox by my cable provider, I discovered that it is actually fun watching people make fools of themselves. Almost all the guys and dolls on this channel(who by the way seem to have been chosen for their good looks) are right-wing extremists who just won't tolerate other viewpoints, so much so that guests who appear on their shows find themselves being constantly interrupted by their hosts. One wonders why they were invited in the first place if not to listen to what they had to say.

Anyway, as I said, listening to these fools is fun, particularly the bastards Bill O fucking Reilly and Glenn shitty Beck whose worlds revolve around a paranoid delusion that America is great and pretty much nothing else.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the western world and the palestinians

The christian west has had no positive feelings towards the Muslims since the time of the crusades, which is why they planted Israel in Palestine in the first place and why Turkey is unable to join the European Union. Today we see America and the Europeans supporting Israel unconditionally even though the Zionists continue to commit unspeakable atrocities towards the people whose land they have robbed. Even Obama has chosen to ignore the plight of the oppressed people of Palestine. His choice of Hillary Clinton, an avowed lover of the Zionists, made that very clear to us.

What the stupid leaders in the west don't realise is that they are taking their countries to a disastrous future. What they don't realise is that the Muslim masses will one day seize power from the corrupt western backed politicians like Mubarak and Abbas and the Abdullas and will do every thing in their power to annihilate the Zionists and take back their land. Today Iran alone has the power to do that. Yes, it has already got the BOMB, not only to send the Zionists to kingdom come but anybody who comes to their aid.

Make no mistake: the blood of the Muslims is boiling.