Wednesday, March 11, 2009


There has been published a new biography of Mohamed Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. The author is an Indian. I was impressed by it because I think it is factual. Jinnah was arrogant and self-seeking, with absolutely no religious inclinations. If the Indian Congress party had offered him the first premiership of a united India, this pork-eating, whiskey drinking skeleton of a man would have grabbed it and Pakistan would have been forgotten; millions of innocent people would then have been spared the killings and mayhem that followed along the borders of the two states. Indeed after he was holed up in the then backwater town of Karachi, he regretted Pakistan and longed for his life in Bombay and his large house there. The people of Pakistan are not told this and as a result the man is regarded there as some kind of god.

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